Hose EASYFLEX/7-540/R

Corrugated rubber hose for engine room and rooms with fire risk on over 24 mt boats
Norm: ISO 15540 and 15541:1999 - Patent pending hose
Temp: -30°C + 100°C

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Tube: black smooth rubber, resistant to ecologic fuels with 15% oxygenated compounds max content, 5% MTBE, bio diesel and diesel with 10% FAME
Reinforcement: metal helix in heat insulating rubber, with high strenght synthetic textile fabric. Silica fiber R180.
Cover: black self-extinguishing rubber- fuels, heat anf fire resistant up to 30 minutes at 800°C
Surface: corrugated fabric finish Marking: ITALY - ISO 15540-15541 - DN - H.T.


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